We offer a range of tutoring assistance, including the following:

  • School readiness
  • All school subjects (all curriculum areas)
  • All grades (e.g. K-12, HSC, TAFE and University subject support)
  • Help planning and completing homework and assignments
  • Assistance with school work (e.g. essay writing)
  • English as a second language
  • Selective school placement
  • Extension and enrichment programs

Clients can enrol directly into our tutoring services. However, tutoring is for students who need preparation, revision, extension or enrichment etc. but who do not have any identifiable special learning needs. As such, tutored students do not require specialised remedial interventions or specialised programs (as are provided in our Specialised Lessons).

Some students also choose to do Specialised Lessons in conjunction with tutoring. For example, they may enrol in literacy development (within Specialised Lessons) and homework assistance (within tutoring lessons). That is, two lessons per week.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Tutoring differ to Specialised Lessons?

The differences between Tutoring and Specialised Lessons include:
- Tutoring lessons are not designed or monitored by our clinicians. They are based on the presenting needs of the client, and can be adjusted on a week-to week basis, rather than following a remedial style program.
- Clients who get tutored do not get re-assessed throughout the year, as is the case for our clients who do Specialised Lessons.

Who conducts Tutoring?

Tutoring sessions are conducted by our tutors who are chosen for their specific skills and interest in particular subject areas.

When is Tutoring conducted?

Tutoring is typically conducted after school hours and Saturdays, but many clients (especially adults) attend Monday to Friday during the day, and sessions are 45 minutes in duration.

Tutoring is currently conducted online. Please contact us to discuss or book online tutoring.

How much does Tutoring cost?

Session fees are $70 inclusive of any relevant taxes which is paid via direct debit. See EZIDEBIT direct debit form. Alternatively, fees can be invoiced termly.

All lessons are conducted online.

School Readiness

*** Coming Soon***
1:1 sessions for Preschool and Kindergarten students.

Our School Readiness Program is designed to help children develop the essential skills they need to succeed in Kindergarten and beyond.