Family-Owned | 50+ Years of Proven Learning Programs Compassionate & Committed | We Listen, We Care! Solving even the most challenging educational issues Call us to discuss your needs Online services - Australia wide


Founders Dr Bill and Mrs Alexia Martin began Cumberland Education in 1969 with the goal of helping students who were “slipping through the cracks” of the education system. This has continued to drive the work we do to this day.


It is expected that when attending Cumberland Education for Assessments, Clinical Sessions or Specialised Lessons the client will:


  • Gain a clear understanding of all his/her learning strengths and weaknesses;
  • Receive an accurate diagnosis of any difficulties/disorders/disabilities if and where appropriate;
  • Receive targeted evidence-based interventions that maximise learning and performance so students can reach their full potential; and
  • Be provided with affordable services that work.

Given the above, we are also well placed to assist clients who require preparation, revision, extension or enrichment services within our Tutoring services.


  • Words cannot express the heartfelt thanks we feel for each of you for helping Justin to achieve his Higher School Certificate. He received Band 2, and we are thrilled. He can now go forward confidently. Because of his work with you, he now enjoys reading- the greatest gift of all.

  • I want to say thank you for helping me to read, spell, write and understand things better. It really means a lot to me. You are all wonderful people and I am so glad that I have got to meet you all and get a chance to know you all a bit better. I will really miss you all- especially the giggles we had. So, thank you for everything, it really means a lot to me.

    Guilia (aged 13),


I’ve had a lot of assessments done in the past. Do I need to do more?

Our goal is to only assess students when deemed absolutely necessary, as we do not want to ever over assess a client. The decision as to what, if any assessment is required, is determined on a purely individual basis.
The goal of assessment however, is to fully understand all the client’s learning strengths, weaknesses and needs, so the most effective interventions can be designed and implemented.
Often clients have had multiple assessments with various professionals such as Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Behavioural Optometrists, School Counsellors etc. Our Psychologist Nicole Martin can help you synthesise this information.

How do I enrol and un-enrol in Specialised Lessons or Tutoring?

Please contact us if you are interested in enrolling in Specialised Lessons or Tutoring.

When you enrol at Cumberland Education, for Specialised Lessons and Tutoring, you are allocated a time and day that is convenient for you, for example, “Tuesday afternoon at 4pm”. We consider this is ‘your time’. If you need to change your day or time, we will endeavour to accommodate such a request. Whilst no guarantee can be given, we are usually able to accommodate changes to existing clients.

However, if you want to un-enrol from our centre’s Specialised Lessons and Tutoring, a one week notice period is required in terms 1-3, and a two week notice is required in term 4.

Specialised Lessons and Tutoring are paid for via direct debit or are invoiced termly.

What happens if I’m absent for a Specialised Lesson or Tutoring?

If an absence occurs, as a matter of courtesy, it is appreciated that you phone to let us know in advance.